Grant Application Guidelines
Kids’ Club Mission
Kids’ Club provides support for underserved youth. As a community organization, we marshal resources, increase local awareness, advocate for programming, and strengthen services to improve the lives of children and families.
Our Grant Process
Organizations interested in applying for a grant should first determine if their proposed program falls within the eligibility requirements described below. Interested applicants should then contact Kids’ Club to schedule a conversation with a Kids’ Club board member regarding their proposed program. Kids’ Club will review only invited grant applications.
Kids’ Club has two grant application deadlines during the calendar year: April 1 and November 1. The Kids’ Club board makes grant award decisions approximately 4 to 6 weeks following each of these deadlines.
Grants are awarded for up to one year. Grant award payments are made in one or two payments. We ask our grantees to submit an interim report, typically due in the middle of the grant term, and/or a final report due at the end of the grant term.
Applicant Eligibility
Kids’ Club makes grants to:
- tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organizations
- agencies with a pending 501(c)(3) application if an approved organization serves as fiscal agent
- government agencies
- churches and religious organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code whose programs are non-sectarian and benefit the population we serve.
In order to fulfill our mission and be effective stewards of the donations that we have received, Kids’ Club accepts requests from organizations for programs or services that share the same goal of improving the lives of underserved youth and their families residing in Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow.
Kids’ Club does not make grants to or for:
- individuals
- religious activities
- political lobbying or legislative activities
How to Apply for a Grant
Recent Grant Recipients
- Community Food Pantry
- Community Wardrobe
- Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center
- Foundation for the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns
- Horseman’s Harvest Neighborhood Pantry
- Hudson Valley Writers Center
- Latino U College Access
- Music Hall Academy
- Open Door Family Medical Center
- RSHM LIFE Center
- Rivertown Dance Academy
- Tarrytown Union Free School District
- Village of Sleepy Hollow Teen Travel Camp
- Village of Tarrytown Day and Tot Camps
- Warner Library
- Westchester Jewish Community Services